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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A New Beginning

It's all inside.
I haven't let many things out in detail in quite a while. I guess I simply haven't felt the need to recount the daily hum drum of my existence... until now!

August is the eighth month of the year. Eight is symbolic and is said to represent a "new beginning", a "fresh start", even a "do over." I prayed about it and I truly wanted this August to be a new beginning for me, for sure. I've spent the past few years with tons of regret, despite my accomplishments, new connections, opportunities and successes, I still have  not lived my full potential and have felt that I kinda need to "catch up." This year was certainly different, though. I don't know exactly what it could be, I just feel deeply that 2015 was meant to be different.

Thus, with the beginning of this month, after a mid-year motivational and self-reflective attitude throughout June and July, I made it my business to "start over" in several areas of my life.
It ended up being a planing phase, if you will. I spent most of the month planning and preparing for several major events and making it a priority to walk in a new attitude of giving my best in whatever I put my hands and my time to. Now, on the brink of a new month, I am now charged with walking out those plans and that attitude in my everyday living. Now, I really need to show it in my actions and interactions.

With that, I am now ready to let it all out!! Finally, I can release much of what I've been keeping in or just keeping to myself.
Now please, don't expect any grand or deep expressions. I'm not a preacher. And don't expect some extravagant account of some new opportunity I've had. While I'm grateful for the things I've experienced, not all are other folks business. I'm not a talk show host or thrill seeker (so to speak)...well, maybe not yet. I simply hope to share some of my journey with you - with every intention that you will gain from what I share and glean from it to help you grow on your own journey. Others have certainly motivated and inspired me, and I can't help but hope to have the same positive influence on others.

I invite you to join me, as I begin to let out some wonderful things that I've been keeping inside of me. This should be exciting!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A New Mindset

"You can have what you want, Do what you dream, and Brave what you fear if you first see it done in your mind"

Notes from the Universe Wall Calendar 2015

So many months have passed since my last post. I honestly can't even begin to make excuse for my lack of commitment to my own endeavor. It was nobody's fault but mine. Ironically enough, the very reason why I began this blog remained the issue for me, which forced me to stop writing.

I don't like to fail. I don't like to be a disappointment. I don't appreciate non-committal, especially from myself. Yet..these are exactly what I've shown. This frustrates me!!! I can no longer allow myself to portray such negativity. I serve in roles of inspiration and mentor-ship and cannot allow myself to reflect the opposite in my personal life. It's a level of hypocrisy that is so dangerous and scary that I have to consciously make a change. new journey begins.

Despite my inconsistent nature recently, I have still been afforded some wonderful opportunities and continue to have experiences that motivate me. I am now in a place where I hope to consciously make every effort to using those instances as continuous motivation to change my mind-set...for real this time. I am very much aware that this is not an overnight process. I think that that was part of my issue last time. I think my impatience gets me into great trouble. I think I was kinda hoping for an unrealistic type of miracle. Some supernatural shift in my situation. Some divine deduction of my daily life.

I recently hit what I deem to be rock bottom in my life. A miracle would be welcome right now. Howsoever, I believe that now is as great a time as ever to make certain life-changing decisions that reflect my new outlook on life: my purpose, my potential and my influence.

So... my first decision... to continue on this new journey and find my true purpose, potential and influence in the world. I will make every effort to change my mind about these aspects of every area of my life, patiently waiting on the answers to come.

Please, join me.
