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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

This Journey has Many Variables

"Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do." Romans 12:2 (NLT).

As I journey onward to becoming the ME I want to be/should be, I've realized that it doesn't start with me. It starts with God. I need to get back to basics and reevaluate my relationship with my heavenly father and seek His face to find out what he has purposed me for. Only He knows what He created me for so I need to start with a serious conversation with Him about my life and my purpose.

While I'm waiting to hear back from Him with some details and specifics, I've already recognized the areas in my life that need major work and renovation. Mindset Management will be split up into several sectors if you will. Various different aspects of my life that all need a great deal of attention and change toward progression. Those areas include:

  • Health 
  • Finances
  • Relationships
  • Beauty & Personal Style
  • Education
  • Character Development
  • Lifestyle
  • Single-Motherhood

It is also significant to note that I have several goals and visions for myself. While I will explain them in great detail in later posts, those dreams and visions bring all of the aforementioned together and make me the woman that I "am" (the HER I look forward to meeting in my reflection one day).

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